My affair with polymer was shortlived. It wasn't because we didn't like each other, only we didn't get along very well. He was unpredictable and I was impatient. Used to getting the results I wanted, he ended up in need of refinement. It all started with a purchase online. The seller was nice and accomodating, but wasn't able to deliver the goods according to my specifications. Actually did the one thing I specifically said I didn't want. I guess she just doesn't work well with customizations because the other accessory I bought from her was very pretty. Putting sticker paper on it. Really? After I specifically said I didn't want stickers. This ones a beauty. Bought as a gift for my sister. Call me obsessive or controlling but I decided to do it myself. As the old saying goes: If you want something done properly, better do it yourself. So despite time constraints I scoured Manila and Cubao and then coming up empty, turned frustratingly to the ne...
Randomness starts with a cup of coffee and mild schizophrenia..