So here's the thing about local food. They're reeaaalllyyy good but hard to make. At least that's how I feel when I read the recipes. They are intimidating. One of Mama's cookbook is so old the pages are brown, brittle and tattered and the author unknown because the cover has been replaced with black cardboard. I was flipping through it because I needed to cook something new and I couldn't google because of my slow connection, low patience and time constraints. I found about 2 that I'd like to try when I saw this recipe for a Spanish style tomato sauce. I was thinking more like the kind they have with the sardines. This is totally embarrassing because you are about to discover just how mentally slow I can be at times. I thought I'd have the pasty kind of tomato sauce that has a bit of oil from cooking it too long. I only realized I was making the kind you can use for pasta when after 45 minutes (it requires a whole hour of slow cooking) there were no trace o...
Randomness starts with a cup of coffee and mild schizophrenia..