Once there were two mischievous friends who were so close that it takes only one look to convey a message. One fine day, such a look was given to the other that said "Meet me in the restroom! Have. Juicy. Gossip!". After quietly slipping away from the eyes of their team leads, they meet in the restroom. And since it was in the middle of work hours, they had the room to themselves. One started to talk excitedly sharing something juicy about a co-worker when the other stopped her to check under the stalls for feet, just to be sure as the story was indeed juicy. Seeing none, she let the other continue with her gossip.
About three minutes into the conversation the room started to stink and the two friends ribbed each other for passing gas that smelled to high heavens. While denying each others' accusation, the smell of alcohol suddenly filled the room and the horrifying realization stunned them both to instant silence. Checking again for feet under the stall and again seeing none, they each carefully pushed each door. Wide eyed looks were exchanged as one door refused to open. They hurriedly went out the restroom, laughing uncontrollably.
The gossip and the subject of which were never revealed as the unidentified witness would like to remain 'unidentified'.
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