I've been wanting to update this blog site for some time now but never really got around to doing it. The other day, much like cleaning out a locker, I cleaned out my virtual locker of social media accounts and deleted ones I haven't really utilized in the past decade or so. Since I had time, I decided to update this blog site too. I was surprised when I realized my last post was in 2014. Has it really been 6 years??!!
I started reading my past posts because I remember having content that was from the sites I've deactivated. It was interesting to realize some things about my younger self and see the difference now. I'm so glad that even though I initially put up this blog to post about accessories that I make, because I was so all over the place, I also posted some things that were not related to crafting. Because then, I was able to read and see where I was at, mentally and emotionally, in that phase of my life.
Going through my site and reading the posts, I realized I really was so random that I gave myself a headache. As I was checking each widget and deleting those I won't be needing, I was reminded of when I would google for tutorials. Of learning how to edit the codes so I could insert the widgets and personalized buttons to create the look I wanted. It's really not a big deal for most, the design wasn't even all that great, but for me, it was one of those successes that only I could appreciate and celebrate.
It was bittersweet. The hours I put into creating the site went in less than 10 minutes. But as the saying goes, an ending is the beginning of something new. Now the page has gone from cluttered and quirky to minimalistic and collected, much like how I am now... or so I'd like to believe!
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